
Why I Wrote a Children's Book

UPDATE 04/21/2012: Kyra has agreed to do the illustrations and has been busy working on it for the better part of week now. I've seen a little of it and it looks fantastic.

I've also finally decided on a tentative title. I know that doesn't sound like a decision, but it's more than what I had before, which was nothing.

I'm really excited to be doing this and appreciate any prayers and support you can offer me. I'm looking at a couple of printers right now. I believe I'm on track to have my first run ready to be sold and begin promoting the book locally and in places where I have friends who can support my efforts by this summer.

Most of you read that title and clicked the link just so you could have a few laughs. I'm okay with that. The idea of me writing a book, especially a children's book, sounded rather absurd to me when the thought was first placed into my head. Now let me tell you why it might not be as far out as it seems.

I told my wife a few months ago that I wanted to make money giving other people's money away. What that looked like, I had no idea. I just knew it was what I was called to do and I was going to find a way to do it. Since then, I've been in contact with someone who does just that and am learning a lot about how to go about it.

He's not my only resource though. Recently, I've discovered Jon Acuff. He's a hilarious blogger who writes commentary on quirky things Christians do. It's a great way to pull back and have a good laugh at yourself. He wrote a book called Quitter, which I am about half way through. It's about doing your dream job and it's fantastic. But the book is not what lead me to this.

Acuff wrote about a friend of his who decided he wanted to do exactly what I want to do. Apparently that's called being a philanthropist. I've heard the word before but never knew what it meant. It sounds weird and rich and I don't like it, but it is what it is. This friend of his knew he wanted to make a lot of money very quickly and then give it all away. He knew kids books make a butt ton of money very quickly (Eric Carle has sold 29 million+ copies of Hungry Caterpillar). So, he wrote one. Now he's a philanthropist. He gives 100% of his earnings from The Boy and His Kite to charity.

I wrote the book already. It was a lot easier than I ever imagined it would be. I just put myself into the shoes of a little kid (which is pretty easy for someone as childish as myself) and started writing. I was terrified when it came out so quickly. I knew it had to be the worst thing ever written into Google Docs. But I let my wife read it and she really liked it.

So, I'm going to put myself out there and possibly embarrass the holy heck (as Louis would say) out of myself. I'd like a few of you to read it and give me some feedback, sort of like a focus group. I'll be in touch with you about it. If you'd like to volunteer, I'm open to it.

I've asked my sister in-law, Kyra, to illustrate. She's a very talented artist and I think she'll do a wonderful job, if she agrees to do it, and I hope she does.

After that, it's on to steps 3-6.

Self publish
Get on Ellen and other talk shows (Live at 9 to start)
Sell a truckload of books
Become a philanthropist

Here goes nothing.

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