
It's Time To Nut Up Or Shut Up

There's a very disturbing trend surfacing in our society. We, as a people, don't like owning our words or our actions.We don't want to offend anyone, so instead of saying what we believe, we hide it behind "feelings". "I feel like I should...." "I feel that God wants..." "I feel in my heart that...." You get it. At its best this is a steaming pile a horse pooh. At its worst this is a dangerous and harmful steaming pile of horse pooh.

When someone asks you what your opinion of homosexuality is, own it or don't answer the question. I believe homosexuality is a sin. There is no free pass to mistreat sinners, so don't take what I said tell everyone that I advocate "stringing up queers". Loving all people doesn't change that homosexuality is a sin. See? I owned that. I'm not going to back down from that. If someone asks me why I haven't changed my opinion about this as it becomes more socially acceptable, I'm not going to answer with "I feel like God loves all people, even sinners" because that is not standing firm in your faith. That God loves all people, even sinners is absolutely true, but using the term "I feel like" beforehand as a way to give yourself an out when it hits the fan means you aren't willing to commit to that and leads to you using that way out when you suddenly become unpopular. This is what retreating out of fear of not being popular looks like. When you do that, you open the door for those who see things differently than you do to continue questioning your faith and your beliefs. When that happens, they start pestering the rest of us with their politically correct garbage and expecting us to bend to their will and ideology. I don't want to clean up your mess.


When someone asks you if you believe a woman should not have the right to choose, "I feel like all life is important", while true it may be, is not an answer to that question. That is you being a pansy. "I believe in a woman's right to choose whether or not she wishes to be sexually active. Do you believe a child should not have the right to live?", "Abortion is murder. Get used to it.", or my favorite, "No", are all acceptable responses you could give if you are anti-abortion. When you sissy out of this one, you open the door for more attacks on our nation's children.


I'm sure you all at least know who Ricky Gervais is. For those who don't, he's famous for having created and starred in the original British comedy The Office and hosting the Golden Globes for a few years. Ricky Gervais is an incredibly faithful atheist who believes all people of all different faiths are morons and should be put in their place. He uses his twitter account for this very reason; insulting religious people of all types. By extension, he thinks I'm one of the stupidest people on earth because I'm a Christian. I would sooner have lunch with him and listen to him publicly mock me and everything I stand for than have lunch with Christian who was afraid to take a stand on something they claim they believe. Ricky Gervais has a freedom that a socially conscience Christian will never have because Ricky Gervais doesn't give a crap and he'll tell you that to your face all day long and then some.


Christianity is under attack because of our views on homosexuality, abortion, and if you're Catholic, birth control, as well as a host of other things. The only way we're going to come out of this fight alive is to stand our ground, look our antagonists in the eyes, and say "No! We don't care what you think about us! Our God is great and mighty! Our God teaches us that life is precious and homosexuality is a sin! It is you who are wrong! Get over it!" By not doing this in the past, the Church has lost it's power to stand up for morality and has surrendered to the media, to political correctness, and to the masses. Non-Christians certainly don't mind telling me when they think I'm a bigoted troll. Liberals certainly don't mind calling Sarah Palin a cunt. A tweeter certainly didn't mind telling Kirk Cameron, and by extension me because I agree that homosexuality is a sin, to "go to hell and suck a thousand dicks". I certainly don't mind telling someone that if they kill their unborn baby that they're a murderer or someone who lives a homosexual lifestyle that they're living a sinful lifestyle.

When David danced for God and Michal mocked him, David didn't respond by saying "I feel like God was honored by what I did." No! He said, and I paraphrase, "Shut up, woman! God chose me to rule over his people, not you or your father! I will celebrate my God and become even more humbled in the site of my God, my people, and myself, and through that I will be held in honor." On top of that, Michal bore no children to the day she died, which would be like being bitched slapped by the hand of God today.

For the record, this goes for those of you who I don't agree with. None of this is to say that you shouldn't be open minded. There is always the chance that you are wrong, and you should listen to those around who disagree with you and try and learn from them. But, if you're well educated in the subject matter, there is no reason you shouldn't stand by what you believe.

It's amazing how much more fulfilling life is when you offend someone and aren't apologetic about it. Stand by what you believe. If you don't, you should really be asking yourself what you're contributing to life on this planet, because the answer is probably "nothing".

If I offended you just now, good. I stand by what I wrote here.

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