
Changing Myself

I'm 230lbs. I'm somewhere between 5'8" and 5'9". My ideal weight for my height is much closer to that of 175lbs.

I used to be a lot sharper, mentally. As you can see by reading anything I've written or typed, I miss words. Entire words that ultimately change the meaning of what I'm trying to say.

My spiritual walk is lacking in many ways. The biggest being the simple act of taking a few minutes to read God's Word.

I write this in hopes that you'll read it and help keep me accountable. I plan to work out a little everyday. I plan to exercise my brain a little everyday. I plan to spend time in the Word a little everyday. And I plan to post the results of this journey here, on facebook, and on Twitter.

Don't let me slack off. Do not let me slack off even a little. You need to see some evidence that I did even the littlest bit everyday. I need to be able to tell you that I did my Wii Fit body test. I need to be able to tell you that I did better about how much I eat. I need to be able to tell you that exercised my brain (I hope for this include Brain Age, which I don't own currently, but I'll let you know when I change that.) I need to not only be able to tell you that I read the Word but tell what I read and what I learned.

This is going to be a difficult journey at first. My goals will be created and made gradually as I walk this path, and I want you to hold me to them. It's the only way I'm going to be able to better myself.



  1. Deal. I didn't know you had a blog. I'll be watching you like a hawk...a really scary hawk.

    The Spirit is your only source of strength against temptation.

  2. I only just recently started blogging regularly.
    I'll hold you to that creepy hawk thing.
