
Fanboies and Fruits

Many people will testify that I am a bit of fanboy for quite a few things. Although I try to keep an objective mind when it comes to my opinions, I do have soft spot for the products of Microsoft, Google, and especially Nintendo. But I do recognize that these companies, and the few others that I hold up high, are not perfect and do have their problems. I'm not going to treat something Bill Gates says as law. Sergey Brin and Larry Page of Google are still young and still learning. And I can't understand a word Shigeru Miyamoto says. He is Japanese after all. His English is improving, but he still has a long way to go.

Then there's Adobe. I'm no Adobe fanboy. If there were an alternative to Photoshop that was better or less expensive, I'd switch. When the web finally makes the big switch to HTML5 and moves away from Flash, I'll be right there with it. I just want the job done. Right now, the job is being done quite adequately by Adobe's Flash.

A certain juggernaut in the tech world has recently decided that Flash is one of his biggest enemies. Apple CEO Steve Jobs has had many a harsh word to say about Flash and about Adobe. Nothing that Jobs says surprises me anymore. So what if 90% of the reason anyone buys a Mac is to use Adobe products. That's not going to stop Steve from speaking his mind. I almost admire him for it. At least he's honest.

What's troubling is the result of these crazy rants about Flash. The Apple faithful have picked up their pitchforks and their torches and have rallied behind Jobs in his path of destruction. I had never once heard anyone complain about Flash until Jobs made his remarks about Flash back in April of 2010. Now I can't do a web search of Flash without being pointed to an article that is dedicated to dragging Adobe and Flash through the mud. If these complaints had existed before Jobs' rantings, I wouldn't be writing this. But the lashings didn't start until Jobs' lashing started.

Another interesting thing of note is who is doing the complaining: Mac users. I've never had a problem with Flash and I use Windows. I know many tech savvy people who use Flash everyday and I've never heard them complain about Adobe's dominating video format. It's the Mac users who are up in arms over this theory that Flash is a buggy, broken format.

This must lead me to one of three conclusions: Mac users are incapable of thinking for themselves and just repeat whatever Steve Jobs says (I think this may be true regardless of why they're complaining about Flash); Flash is only a horrible program on Apple's Mac OS, which in that case the finger needs to be pointed at Apple for making a broken OS or web browser; or Flash is a terrible program on both Mac and Windows but the Windows crowd is more savvy and well equipped to tackle the challenge of running Flash.

I tend to lean toward the idea that Mac users are incapable of thinking for themselves. I could be wrong. That's why the Forum is open, people.


  1. you're such a loser. mac's are the only real computers. flash is trying to break the apple system, so that it can be our evil overlord. steve is just doing us a favor111!!!11!!!111!!!!!one!!!!!

  2. sorry, for that. it had to be done for the sake of making this a real internet discussion.

  3. I don't recognize your user name.

  4. oh sorry. This is Josh Lester. you're friendly annoying friend.

    I will say seriously now, I have had problems with flash on my pc before. had more problems on my mac, but i have had to reboot more then i would have liked on my pc from flash though.

    The whole apple/adobe thing is just steve being the selfish egotistical steve he is. I like macbooks, and ipods. but when it comes to apple its become a scary sort of cult you join. in the process of it becoming a cult, microsoft has unintentionally developed its own cult. it's scary that things we buy control so much of our emotions based solely on "i like mine better then yours"
