
The Struggle

The following was posted to DualAnalogs.net, but very much applies here. Please visit DualAnalogs.net and enjoy what it is I'm doing here.

It's been two weeks since anything new happened here on DualAnalogs.net, and that reality raises a questions for me. What exactly am I doing here? And to be honest, I don't have a clear answer.

I enjoy writing. I enjoy writing about the things I like to do and sharing that with others. I like the rise I get out of people when I say something controversial or that someone else doesn't like. I enjoy getting feedback on those things.

But two things have kept me from doing this more regularly.

The first one would be solved by my doing it more regularly and then spreading the word. There's not a lot of activity here at DualAnalogs.net. There's many reasons for this, but Kelly and I can't actually expect people to keep coming back if there's never anything new here.This is why I am going to commit to making at least one post a week. I realize that that isn't a lot, but I do have a life that requires my attention occasionally.

The second thing is that this blog actually keeps me from doing the things that I like to get on here and talk about. I like video games more than I like writing. I like movies more than I like writing. I like watching football more than I like writing. On top of that, I have to make a paycheck and put food on the table and spend time with my wife. The writing has to take a back seat to those things sometimes.

But there is struggle. I'd love to have this by how I make some money. I'd love for a script that I write and turn into a film to be how I make my living. If I can make that happen, I could not work at a job that, while I do like it, don't want to be doing when I'm 40.

So, I need to remind myself that, if I'd just put the DS down for a few minutes, not play that Xbox 360 game right now, and that Harry Potter will still be battling the forces of evil on that disc 20 minutes from now, and sit down and write, one day this might become my career. If that happens, I'll have more time to do the other things I love. I'll have more time to triple jump over goombas. I'll have more time to watch the extended versions of The Lord of the Rings. I'll have more time to catch 'em all. And, hopefully, you'll enjoy what it is that Kelly and I do here.

Thanks for reading, all 3 of you.

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