
My Letter to Mitt

The RNC/Mitt Romney Campaign sent me a solicitation for a donation. They included a postage paid envelope. I hate waste, so I wrote a letter and used the envelope. Below is what I wrote. Enjoy.

Dear RNC/Romney Campaign Intern,
                I’ve never donated money to the RNC, though I have been registered a Republican since I became eligible to vote in 2002. Every election that I have participated in, I have faithfully voted for the party candidates at local, state, and federal levels. No more.
                You see, I have since educated myself on what it means to be an American who believes in the governing authority of the United States Constitution. The Republican Party does not stand for these values, which are not conservative, but are what has been called Libertarian values. The Republican Party is not against “Big Government” anymore than the Democrat Party. The only difference is that Republicans typically want to increase the size of government to push an agenda that happens to fall within my world view, but that doesn’t make it any more right than the liberal agenda. Big Government is Big Government.
                Now, allow me to address a few issues very close to me. I have had it up to my ears with Republicans touting the Pro-Life/Anti-Abortion flag but then doing little to nothing about the issue. Who gives a rat’s ass if you are Pro-Life.  If you’re not going to introduce legislation or policies to do anything about it, then it’s just a talking point. I’m sick of it. I don’t want to hear about how you are personally affected by abortion. I want to see a bill outlawing it or I want to see a plan to repeal Roe V. Wade and I want it in WRITING!
                Next, gay marriage. Who the hell cares what two dudes are doing in the privacy of their own home? If sticking your penis up some dude’s ass is something you want to do in the privacy of your property, who am I to say you can’t do that and who is the government to say you can’t do that. Orgies can happen with no negative government repercussions but the minute two of the men or women want to start calling their relationship a marriage suddenly it’s an issue? I’m not okay with that. My Christian faith tells me it’s morally reprehensible, but my Christian faith doesn’t give me the authority to tell those who are not Christians that they can’t live a homosexual lifestyle, and the Constitution doesn’t give government the authority do so either. Get “Big Government” out of marriage, both heterosexual and homosexual, and let God and the church sort that out. While I’m on the subject, outlawing polygamy while ignoring unmarried couples who have sex is just dumb. And stop telling people they can’t exchange money for sex. It’s gross but it’s none of your damn business.
                Notice a pattern here? GET OUT OF MY LIFE! Get out of my pay check! Get out of my home! I can arrange my own trash pick-up! I can get my own health insurance! I can make my own car choice! Let me pay my taxes. I’ll let you continue to take care of the roadways and other things that we need you for. But that list of things I need you for is very short!
                Oh, and I’m writing in Ron Paul this year. So, don’t count on my vote, you big government crooks.

Patrick Ryan 

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