
Liberals are Dumbasses

I thought real long and hard about the title of this post, and I couldn't come up with anything nicer without lying.

I'm not saying conservatives are the poster children for common sense (I'm looking squarely at you, Michele Bachmann!) but there are plenty of places on the internet you can turn to to read about the shenanigans of conservatives.

My attention was directed to an article on The Huffington Post. If you're not familiar with the online publication, you aren't missing much. It's basically a place where liberals can gather together and spew their venomous socialist agenda all over the web and whine and complain that their laziness is not being rewarded. I'm a huge fan of free speech, so I support them in their efforts to prove to the world how truly foolish and ill-informed mankind can be. The article in question was a very anti-Amazon.com article, claiming that Amazon's success has come at the expense of brick-and-mortar and small retail book stores.

Amazon offers an app that allows you to scan a bar code, and the app will show you the availability of that product on Amazon.com, the price, and for a limited time, give you a discount on that product on top of whatever discounts there may already be for that product. This is really no different from finding a Target weekly advertisement in your local newspaper's Sunday Edition, taking said ad to Wal-Mart, and having them match the price plus take an additional 10% off. No big deal right? Well, if you're a dumbass, this is a huge deal.

See, in the land of liberalism, competition is bad. Score should not be kept during a little league soccer game becuase the feelings of the team who sucks the most might get hurt. Likewise, innovators who find a way of doing things better than the current method should stop benefiting from being smart and move out of the way so that local book stores who refuse to or are unable to innovate and improve their business model can continue to exist. This does not work!

It's no coincidence that, once the United States was formed and freed themselves from the monarchy of England, advances in technology and our way of life increased rapidly. In countries where monarchies control the masses, dictators control the markets, and liberals and socialists are allowed to squash innovation because it might hurt someone's way of life, these advances would not be possible. A few innovations made there way out of Europe as free-markets began to emerge courtesy of Martin Luther giving the establishment a swift kick in the testicles, but these innovations faced many trials and tribulations and came at great costs. Once the US had established itself and dumbasses got out of the way so the free market could breathe, our way of life began to change at an alarming rate, and mostly for the better.

The Cotton Gin was created and made farming of cotton in the South significantly easier and more affordable. It's likely that someone lost their job because of it. GASP! Eli Whitney should have his left big toe tied to a rope and dragged through the streets so we can flog him with broken pieces of our desire to stay in the stone age! Who cares that the cotton gin made cotton affordable for many small farmers, creating small farming businesses across the South. Someone lost their job because farmers realized they didn't need to pay Timmy to separate cotton seed from cotton. Sure, Timmy could adapt, learn how to operate said cotton gin, and become a very valuable asset to the farmer, but that would require effort! Blasphemer!

That's just one example. The automotive industry was made possible by innovators and the government getting out of the way. Some sellers of horse drawn carriages adapted and began selling cars. Others held fast to their old way of thinking and disappeared. Barnes and Noble answered Amazon's challenge, created an online ecosystem which compliments their brick-and-mortar sites, and have created an online shopping experience that Amazon can't match because Amazon does not have a local presence. Border's Bookstore failed to adapt and is now nothing more than an afterthought on the behind of American capitalism.

Back to the situation at hand, Amazon has created a way for people to comparison shop. This is called competition. Competition encourages innovation and progress. So, instead of congratulating Amazon for pushing the market forward, liberals have decided that Amazon should be punished because some local shop who has decided to complain instead of fight back might get hurt. Here's an idea. Offer to beat the price that the app turns up for a product that you sell. When you see a customer using said app, offer to match the price right then and there. The customer gets his product right away without having to wait for Amazon to ship it to him, and you gain what will likely turn into repeat business. Like I said before, this is no different than price matching offered by other retailers.

On another note, The Huffington Post completely missed the hypocrisy of this post. By being an online publication, The Huffington Post is contributing to the decline of the print media industry. By the logic displayed in the post, we should all boycott The Huffington Post.

Also, Amazon.com is opening two warehouses in Tennessee, which will result in the creation 1400 jobs. How in the world is this a bad thing?!

Stop your bitching. You're making the rest of us look incredibly stupid.

1 comment:

  1. Wow. Hi Patrick.

    Venomous Dumb Ass Clement. ;)
