
Violence, Foul Language, and Sexual Content in the Media: Television and Film - Part 2

I feel the same about foul language in television and film as I feel about sex and nudity, though I'm far more lenient about the foul language. Let's face the facts: there are people in our everyday lives that find it difficult to say three words without cursing. If you're film is to be believable, you may need to have a character with the same problem.

Also, sometimes you just need to tell someone straight up that if they don't stop being an idiot your going to have to kick their ass. The Second Chance is a perfect example of this. By the way, if you haven't seen this movie, do yourself a huge favor and rent it from whatever video service you use. Yes, I know that Michael W. Smith is in it. Just watch it. It's excellent.

I see violence in a whole different light. I'm not likely to watch a person have his arms cut off and suddenly have a desire to go next door and experience this first hand. Brutally beating a person has very real consequences that have a negative impact on someone who did not ask to be beaten or shot or whatever. This is much different from sex and nudity.

Seeing sexual acts on television or in a film brings up certain desires, especially in a man. A person who is repeatedly exposed to these images will one day act on those desires. Picking up a stranger in a bar and bringing them back to your place doesn't really hurt anyone besides the people involved. And, unless this happens to be a rape, both (or however many people) of those people involved are there taking part in the act willingly. This is why I believe that sexual content in the media is so much more dangerous than violence. Sex comes across as being innocent.

Here on Earth, most single people will never feel the consequences of sexual immorality. Sure, the person that they one day marry may feel disgusted and little betrayed, but most people will see that those things happened in the past and will choose to leave it there. Advances in modern day medicine have drastically reduced the consequences of sexually transmitted diseases. Abortion, though it comes with a completely new set of consequences, has given couples a way to eliminate the burden of raising a child.

I see these things completely different in the music industry and video game industry. I'll discuss those in the near future.

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